Deering Comments on Governor’s State of the State and Budget Address

SPRINGFIELD, IL… State Representative Regan Deering (R-Decatur) issued the following statement after Governor Pritzker’s State of the State and Budget Address delivered today to a joint session of legislators.

“The Governor’s total FY26 proposed budget is over $55 billion, nearly a $2 billion increase compared to last year’s budget,” said Rep. Deering. “Throughout the first half of his speech, I almost thought I was listening to a common-sense Republican. Comments included things like hard sacrifices were made and spending was moderate as we must live within our means.  He suggested that we were doing more with less and delivering for residents without raising their taxes. How clueless does he think we are?

“The reality is the House, Senate, and Governor’s offices are controlled by Democrats who for the last several years have rubber-stamped record spending budgets and failed Sanctuary State policies.  For months, the Democrats cancel committee meetings, stall all spring and then in the final hours jam in tax increases to balance the budget with no regard for Republican input.  So much for working together.”

“Just today the Governor noted that some in both parties suggest going along to get along is the preferred method of governance, when it does not work. Deals are made and promises are broken. He said he won’t be fooled and neither will I.”

‘Taking a direct hit at President Trump, Governor Pritzker noted that we don’t have kings in America, and he doesn’t intend to bend the knee to one.  How quickly he must have forgotten his reign during the Covid-19 panic, where over three years he issued 112 executive orders, shutting down our businesses, locking our kids out of school and depriving us of our individual freedoms.”

“The people of Illinois, those who have yet to leave and love to call this great state home, want a government that works for them.” 

“The time to act is now. Illinois families deserve better.  Let’s come together around priorities of lowering the cost of living, reducing costs and no new tax increases.”